Round 6 St Barnabas Vs Old Carey

Losing yet another toss for the season and having to field first up yet again wasn’t the ideal start, nor was our first few overs. With our fielding not on, a wicket from a no ball and some heads dropping pretty quickly we turned to our spinners to stem the tide. And that’s exactly what they did. Solid performances from Tad, Bang and for his first game up this year Evo saw what potentially was looking like a 300+ run chase restricted to 256.

A score that was always get able if we batted sensibly seemed so far out of reach as quickly as tea with the score 6/60 odd. Yet again our batting line-up struggling to convert with most of the top order getting set at the crease and then getting out. One batsmen in the line up willing to do the hard yards was Tad, batting his time and doing a job as wickets continued to tumble around him. To be all out yet again for a score under 100 is just not good enough. The Christmas break couldn’t come at a better time for us as a team, a time to rest up and come back refreshed is well needed for all of us. I know we are all hurting but let’s as a team come back after the time off positive and excited to be back together as a team.

Enjoy the Christmas period boys, be safe and make the most of your time with your families and partners. Merry Christmas and happy new year, let’s get some success happening in 2014.

Linden Gerhard

1st XI Captain