All players here are the details of an important Club Information Night to be held next Thursday 4th September, 7pm at Carey Bulleen.
As everyone knows we have not achieved the results we all want in all grades over the past 3 seasons, Yes the 2’s made the finals last year but having spoken to many it was still seen as a lost opportunity.
This year it is time for change and time to draw a line in the sand from the past and move forward into setting the foundation for a strong cricket club that it’s players can be proud of for years to come.
Change cannot be implemented by only a few, it needs buy in from the entire club and its playing list. In light of this we have called an all Club meeting to get input from all players on the values we want to stand for as a club along with selection policies, training times and more.
If you want to call it compulsory then let’s call it compulsory, the main thing is that we get as many of our playing group in attendance as possible. This is your chance to have your say on how the club is run this season and in the future.
The meeting will begin at 7pm sharp and will run for an hour only no more. It’s not asking for much of your time in order to make a difference at your cricket club. I cannot implore you enough to take an hour out of your day on Thursday to make a difference.
Some of the questions on the agenda will be:
- What time to start training on Tuesdays and Thursdays and furthermore do you want to train 2 nights or 1 night per week.
- What time should players be expected at the ground prior to matches (1st, 2nd, 3rd XI)
- What are we playing for as 1st, 2nd, 3rd XI sides. i.e do we play to win or do we play for fun, enjoyment and to give everyone an opportunity.
- Selection policies and criteria
- Socials events and functions, post-match attendance – What do you want to do.
This is your time to have your voice heard in an open forum. Please don’t agree with things just for the sake of it, be honest, forthright and speak your mind on any issues. There are no hidden agendas here, all we are asking for is your honesty.
If you know of anyone not receiving the emails please forward it to them and get them to email me so I can add them to the database.
OCCC 2014/15 Player Information Night
- Thursday 4th September, 2014
- 7pm Sharp
- To be held in the Old Carey Clubrooms at Bulleen (NB: If the clubrooms are unavailable the meeting will be held in the Gadsden Pavilion)
If you would like to discuss anything prior to the meeting please call Pig or email him.